Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (2024)

Published: || Last updated: by Farrukh Aziz

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OMG! this is crazy-crisp, spicy and super good! Yes, the Chicken Fry that you will never be bored of. The juicy chicken pieces blanketed in a mix of basic spices, then deep fried to crisp outer and succulent within. A sibling to South Indianchicken kabab, this chicken recipe, I am sure will entice everyone. Give it a go guys, it's worth the effort, Or I should say it is the effortless best chicken fry kababs.

Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (1)

An overload of work, sleepless nights and chilly weather! Of course, all three of them are the culprits and so I blame them for making me binge on this phenomenal spicy chicken fry.

Guys, Imagine! a plate of steaming hot dal-chawal (rice) or khichdi topped with ghee and these crisp chicken bites on the side, along with some onions and lemon on it. Isn't that divine?

And when you have pile of work to reach, this is the perfect excuse to meal on these fried chunks. Because, the ONLY time that goes in this recipe is, marinating the chicken with masalas and then frying them into hot oil.

Years ago, when I started making this chicken fry recipe, I was confident that this was going to be a huge hit. And, guess what? It is a hero dish at our table till date and will be the hero forever.

I remember, when my little boy first had this fried chicken kabab at Nandhini which is an Andhra style restaurant, he insisted me to make these at home. So, we at our home call it as a restaurant style chicken fry kabab. You can try and name it too.

Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (2)

Important tips to make Spicy Chicken fry

  • Clean and wash the chicken very well. Be sure to drain the water completely before marinating the chicken. We want the masala coat to be without any extra liquid, so drain every drop of water from it.
  • Always use, thick or hung curd for the marination.
  • For best results, allow the marination of chicken for at least 2 hours under refrigeration
  • Take out the marinated chicken from the refrigerator and allow it rest on the counter for few minutes before frying
  • Adjust the spiciness as per your heat preference.
  • Be sure to heat the oil well before frying the chicken.
  • Most noteworthy, DO NOT fry the chicken on low heat as this will make the coating soggy and oily
  • Do not overload the pan, fry them in batches.
  • To get the best taste, do not skip any of the below mentioned ingredients

How to make chicken fry recipe - step by step

TO begin with, firstly, add chicken pieces in large bowl

Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (3)

Then, add all the ingredients from garlic paste to salt, mentioned below

Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (4)

Combine everything nicely,cover and allow it to marinate for at least 2 hours under refrigeration

Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (5)

Then, just before frying, add cornflour and mix very well

Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (6)

Heat oil in deep pan or Kadhai (wok).Once the heats up well, carefully slide-in the marinated chicken.Fry them on medium high heat until done, each batch will take 7-8 minutes. Take them out and drain onto an absorbent towel.

Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (7)

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Crispy Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe Card

📖 Recipe

Chicken Fry

OMG! this is crazy-crisp, spicy and super good! Yes, the Chicken Fry that you will never be bored of. A sibling to South Indian fried chicken kabab, this recipe, I am sure will entice everyone. Give it a go guys, it's worth the effort, Or I should say it is the effortless best chicken fry kababs.

Course Appetizer

Cuisine Indian

Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time 25 minutes minutes

Servings 8

Calories 204kcal

Author Farrukh Aziz


  • 1 kg Chicken on bone ((cut in medium or bite sized pieces))
  • 1 tablespoon garlic paste
  • 7-8 curry leaves (finely chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon ginger paste
  • ½ teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon green chili paste (you may adjust as per your liking)
  • 2 tablespoons kashmiri red chilli powder (you may adjust as per your liking)
  • 1 ½ teaspoon coriander powder
  • 2 tablespoons thick yogurt ( or hung curd)
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala powder
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • Salt to taste
  • 6-7 tablespoons cornflour
  • Oil for frying
  • Chaat masala for sprinkling


  • In a large bowl, add chicken pieces

  • Then, add all the ingredients from garlic paste to salt, mentioned below

  • Combine everything nicely

  • Cover and allow it to marinate for at least 2 hours under refrigeration

  • Add cornflour and mix well

  • Heat oil in deep pan or Kadhai (wok)

  • Once the heats up well, carefully slide-in the marinated chicken and fry them on medium high heat until done.

  • Take them out and drain onto an absorbent towel.

  • Sprinkle some chaat masala on fried chicken

  • Serve them with onions, lemon wedges on the side


  • Be sure to drain the water completelyform the chicken before marinating it. We want the masala coat to be without any liquid, so drain every drop of water from it
  • Take out the marinated chicken from the refrigerator and allow it rest on the counter for few minutes before frying
  • DO NOT fry the chicken on low heat as this will make the coating soggy and oily


Calories: 204kcal | Carbohydrates: 6g | Protein: 11g | Fat: 12g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 45mg | Sodium: 87mg | Potassium: 128mg | Vitamin A: 170IU | Vitamin C: 19.1mg | Calcium: 20mg | Iron: 0.6mg

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Spicy Chicken Fry Recipe (Crispy Kababs) - Cubes N Juliennes (2024)
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